„The Little Wonder“ from Lena Hesse

Have you already been surprised today?

Do you know such situation: You look for something again and again and cannot find it? But then – all over sudden – this wanted thing is right in front of you. Or, you got up with your wrong foot first, and it seemed though everything went wrong that day… But then you meet somebody just smiling at you kindly.
And these seemingly small, but pleasant everyday experiences are the topic this picture book deals with ‚The Small Miracle‘ by Lena Hesse.

The protagonist is the boy Nils, who plays table-tennis with Tim. Of course, everything goes wrong for Nils, and he even has to search for the little ball in high grass. This is almost like the famous ’needle in the haystack‘. One simply could despair. While looking for the ball, Nils even falls over, and right at this moment hears a little shriek. He is confused and apologises to the little being, which presents itself as being called ‚Miracle‘. Nils and Miracle start talking, and it becomes obvious that Miracle has got some relatives, who – unnoticed – also support and help people every day.

How can you imagine such a little creature that solves our daily problems without us noticing it?
Lena Hesse, who has written and illustrated this book, was born in the Sauerland in 1981. She sees this little being like that: Of course, these creatures are very small, about the size of a blade of grass, but the rest looks exactly like a human being. But it is not enough for Lena Hesse to draw Nils and the small Miracle with his/her relatives in clear facial play – using a few strokes only -, she also has added some tricks to her illustrations. When you open the book and, at once, detect the title ‚The Small Miracle‘ – for it is printed in big blue letters in German and in big black print for another language -, you hardly realise the tiny, inconspicious bee at the edge of these letters. This bee cannot be found in all pictures, only in those, where Nils meets with the small Miracle, i.e. the bee is always together with the little creature. It is the bee that finds the lost table-tennis ball. – As a consequence, if you are, once again, annoyed by a bee or wasp, do not forget to wonder, if this humming creature maybe wants to help you. Keep in mind the phrase ‚busy bee‘.
The more you think about the illustrations, the more you detect wonderful surprises. What kind of surprises? Ask your child! For children are fond of making discoveries.

Nils, Ausschnitt aus dem Bilderbuch

This picture book is available in bilingual editions, always in combination with German. These two languages can each be recognised because of their different colours. German is always in blue print, the other language in black.

This book does not only offer a thoughtful story with pictures full of surprise, but also a puzzle for the readers at the end of the book, which initiates a remembrance of all details in the story. And only if you know the correct answers to all the questions, you can find the final solution.
This book can be used for little starters at reading, but, of course, it can also be read to the children.

translated from U. Schneider
© read MaryRead

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In this language you can buy this book:



German – English Das kleine Wunder – The Little Wonder


German – French Das kleine Wunder – Le petit miracle


German – Greek Das kleine Wunder – To μιkpό Θαύμα


German – Italian Das kleine Wunder – Il piccolo miracolo


German – Russianh Das kleine Wunder – MaленbKOе чyдo


German – Spanish Das kleine Wunder – El pequeño milagro


German – Türkish Das kleine Wunder – Küçük Mucize



Lena Hesse: Das kleine Wunder
Deutsch – Englisch (German – English)
The Little Wonder
Illustration / illustration : Lena Hesse
Alter / age : ab 6 Jahre / from 6 years
gebunden / hardcover
36 Seiten / pages
erschienen / to come out : 1. Aufl. 15.08.2012
Verlag / publisher`s : Edition bi:libri
ISBN 978-3-19-569595-4
Preis / price : 9,9 9 (D), 10,30 € (A)

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